In the wake of the massive earthquake in Türkiye and Syria on February 6, we have taken on our part of this collective pain differently. Even though we expressed our grief in different patterns of reactions to the disaster, under the surface, our emotions, thoughts and feelings oscillated from the negative to

While we bury more than 25,000 bodies in Türkiye, anger grows louder over the slow response to the earthquake and the tolerance for inferior construction. This could be the end of an era. It started with the deadly earthquake that struck northwestern Türkiye in 1999 and killed 17,000 people.

Türkiye'nin, 25.000'den fazla cesedi gömerken, depreme yavaş tepki verilmesi ve yanlış yapılanmaya tolerans gösterilmesi üzerine, öfkesi daha da büyüyor. Bu bir çağın sonu. 1999 yılında Türkiye'nin kuzeybatısını vuran ve 17.000 kişinin ölümüne neden olan depremle başlayan çağın so

Massive earthquake hits Turkey and Syria early Monday morning, and again in the afternoon Death toll has exceeded 2,300 in both countries – 1,500 in Turkey and 810 in Syria –  and likely to rise An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck at 4:17 a.m. local time (1:17 GMT) near the city of Gaziantep. It wa