Aşık olmak nedir? Biliyor muyduk ilk aşkımızdan önce? İzlediğimiz filmlerden, dinlediğimiz şarkılardan, duyduğumuz hikayelerden ve etrafımızda gözlemlediğimiz ilişkilerden, aşk konusunda, az buçuk bir fikrimiz vardı muhtemelen. Midemizde kelebeklerin uçabileceğini, aklımızı hayal ale

Did we know how it was to be in love before our first love? We had some idea about the feelings associated with being in love from the movies we watched, the love songs we listened to, the stories we heard and the relationships we observed around us. We knew that we might have butterflies in our stomach. We

Asbestos in the rubbles of the earthquakes is a great danger to public health. Since the earthquake on February 6th, the official death count in Türkiye has reached 50,399. Thousands upon thousands of people have been lost due to a natural catastrophe made so much worse by faulty buildings. Now asbestos, loose