The project was titled "Simav leads to the employment for women and disabled by using its chestnuts and therapeutic thermal water" in 2020 under the Social Development Support Program (SOGEP) and with the support of the Zafer Development Agency, which provided a generous grant of 1 million out of a total invest

Interview with Enes Yılmaz, national athlete and kickbox champion. I met him the day after he won the collegiate championship in Türkiye. Enes Yilmaz showed up at the kickboxing studio in his usual sweatpants, hoodie, jean jacket and baseball cap. He walked in calm and relaxed with a smile on his face, which

Kick boks, kendine güven kazandıran bir spor. "Utangaç ve stresli, göz temasından kaçınan insanların kick boks ile kendine güven geldiğini gözlemledim" diyor Enes Yılmaz, milli sporcu. Ben de başımı sallayarak “Kesinlikle” diyorum içimden. Benim hissettiğim enerji de bu olsa gerek salonda.

Imagine being startled awake by a horrifying sound – like an explosion – followed by zipping jolts and literally falling into a new reality that you had no idea could exist before,  in which all the words you learned don’t mean what they used to mean.

Almost all photographers will tell you to ‘Say cheese!’ during a photo shoot - but not Richard, who wants to frame a bit more of a genuine look, not an engineered smile – maybe even not a smile at all.