A big advocate of ABC - Always Be Curious, I am chasing my curiosity.

Entrepreneur & Corporate

A Turkish born American, my academic life that started at Bogazici University in Istanbul continued with studies at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. I blended my corporate experience of 20+ years, on Wall Street and at technology companies, with entrepreneurship.

Restaurant Owner

I owned and ran a restaurant and bar, Bistrouge in the East Village in New York when the neighborhood was resisting urban gentrification and small, locally owned venues were holding strong against being replaced by big chain restaurants. If you remember the venue with a mannequin outside whose name was Sue TheMannequin, sitting on a red bench, you probably remember me as well.


I published the interwoven stories I wrote during the pandemic: Jumping on the Drips. They are snapshots of human experience with a hint of uncanny. The collection was featured as a must-read.

Yoga Teacher

I immersed myself in yoga philosophy and moving meditation for a decade and earned my 200-hour certification fromĀ  NJ Yoga Teacher Training to share my experience with others who are interested in unifying mind, body and soul.


No matter what I do, I never skip the daily cuddly time with my daughter on the couch at home or on the earth in our favorite forest.

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