In and Out


Are you pausing in between inhaling and exhaling? Is your breath in longer than your breath out? Or vice versa? Observe your breathing pattern without changing it.

Do your scattered thoughts bother you? Do you have sticky thoughts that never leave you alone? Do you keep a to-do list? If so, is it a long list? Is it for a day, a week, a month or a year? Do you plan too many things in too short a time?

Check your surroundings. Is there clutter? Do you see anything that you want to get rid of? Do you remember when you arranged your furniture at home for the last time in the way they are now? What was the occasion that made you do that? Were you alone? If you had the chance to design your home now, would you arrange it differently?

Check every item around you and ask yourself why you have it. Are you happy about having it today? Do you want to keep it? Rest your gaze on each item patiently one by one. Give it the attention it deserves and listen for the answer.

Open your closet. Do you have any idle hangers just occupying space? Do you have space in between hangers? Are they pushed aside to create emptiness somewhere – maybe in the middle? Are your clothes arranged in a certain way – color coded, maybe? Do you have any item in your closet that you haven’t worn in the last four months? When was the last time you bought an outfit? What was the occasion? When did you wear it for the first time? And the last time? Do you keep clothes from your past that you know you will never wear again?


Pause without judgment.

Have you found any pattern so far? If so, do you have the same pattern in other areas of your life? How is your digestive system? Your relationships with others? Your relationship with yourself?

Pause again.

Pause with empathy.