Aşık olmak nedir? Biliyor muyduk ilk aşkımızdan önce? İzlediğimiz filmlerden, dinlediğimiz şarkılardan, duyduğumuz hikayelerden ve etrafımızda gözlemlediğimiz ilişkilerden, aşk konusunda, az buçuk bir fikrimiz vardı muhtemelen. Midemizde kelebeklerin uçabileceğini, aklımızı hayal ale

Almost all photographers will tell you to ‘Say cheese!’ during a photo shoot - but not Richard, who wants to frame a bit more of a genuine look, not an engineered smile – maybe even not a smile at all.

“Unsupervised”, Refik Anadol's art installation at the Modern Museum of Art, combines the limitation of defined algorithms with the vastness of refined data in a way to mirror the mind and the collective consciousness in ever-changing conditions. It opens the avenues for us to feel overwhelmed and capable a

Have you experienced the awareness of the need for guidance in situations you are not familiar with or the limitations of self-discovery and expression due to the culture you live in?