Language learning is not without its hilarious mishaps. I vividly remember a comical incident when I visited my regular neighborhood supermarket to purchase my weekly groceries. I was thrilled to utilize the words I had learned in my language course, confidently saying "hello," "good morning" and inquiring abou

Imagine stepping on a plane with a one-way ticket for an international flight, accompanied by your two teenage daughters and elderly parents, unsure of what to expect in this new chapter of your life – that’s how I came to Turkey in 2020 from Dubai.

Şamanizmi, doğayı ve tüm varlıkları takdir edip sayma temeline dayandığı için seviyorum. Çok eski ve ilkel olduğundan takip edilmesi gereken kural veya kitap yok. Aynen belli bir takvimi veya hiyerarşisi olmadığı gibi. Farklı toplumlar kendi kültürüne ve geleneklerine uyarlamış, siz de ist

I love shamanism because it is based on appreciation and respect for nature and all beings. It is so ancient, so primitive that there is no set of rules or book to follow. There is no calendar of holidays or hierarchy. Like so many people have adapted it to their own cultures and traditions, you too can adapt i

The project was titled "Simav leads to the employment for women and disabled by using its chestnuts and therapeutic thermal water" in 2020 under the Social Development Support Program (SOGEP) and with the support of the Zafer Development Agency, which provided a generous grant of 1 million out of a total invest

If you want an energetic boost – or you’re about to meditate – or you just brought home secondhand furniture, it’s a good idea to smudge. Since the dawn of civilization, people have been burning herbs – or smudging – as a way to purify and protect themselves and their homes. It’s believed that

Uygarlığın başlangıcından beri, insanlar kendilerini ve evlerini arındırmak ve korumak için tütsü (ot) yakarlar. Dumanın sizi, alanınızı ve eşyaları kaplamasının, durgun veya negatif enerjiyi uzaklaştırabileceği ve pozitif enerji için yol açabileceğine inanılır.